The role of risk management is to protect and conserve the human, property and financial resources of the University of Nebraska at Kearney. To this end the University uses a variety of methods to manage risk, including self insurance and commercial insurance. It is important that all faculty and staff understand their defined responsibilities in the Risk Management program to protect and conserve the assets of the University. Risk Management is responsible for coordinating various plans covering the property, students, and personnel across campus. During the process of obtaining and renewing the coverage, Business Services will contact and work with various offices or departments to obtain information necessary to ensure proper coverage. Once coverage is obtained, in some instances, a department(s) may be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the plan. The following is a list of the insurance plans and who is responsible for the day to day activities once the plan is implemented.
Insurance Plan
Responsible Department
Cyber Liability and Breach
University of Nebraska ITS
General Liability
Business Services
Business Services
Vehicle (Physical Damage)
Business Services
Vehicle (Liability)
University Fleet Management
Student Athletes
Student Health
Student Health & Counseling
Student Domestic Travel
Business Services
Student International Travel
International Education
Employee International Travel
Business Services
Workers’ Compensation
Facilities/Human Resources
Business Services
Medical Malpractice
Business Services
Business Services
The information on this site is intended to summarize the University of Nebraska at Kearney’s risk management resources. Every effort has been made to ensure this information is accurate; however, it is not intended to replace any insurance program documents which contain complete information regarding the University’s insurance programs. In the case of any discrepancy between this site and the University’s insurance program documents, the University’s insurance program documents will govern.
Cyber Liability and Breach
University of Nebraska Information Technology Services implements policies, reviews, guidelines and programs to create a safe and secure environment that minimizes risk and enables the University community to perform its necessary duties. In addition, the University carries breach response and cyber liability insurance to assist with specific incidents and losses for all University campuses.
The University thoroughly reviews third-party technology vendors security practices and insurance coverages to mitigate the specific risks associated with any University program or initiative. These vendors must provide technology/professional liability insurance including coverage for cyber liability. Exceptions to this requirement are evaluated by Business Services and University of Nebraska Information Technology Services on a case-by-case basis.
General Liability
The University has a self-insured comprehensive general liability program which provides coverage for claims of bodily injury and property damage against the University arising out of the negligent actions of the University.
External groups, including all contracted service providers, are not covered by the University’s general liability program and must provide proof of general liability insurance coverage (i.e., a certificate of insurance) covering the applicable event/service and naming the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska as an additional insured and evidencing coverage with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit and $3,000,000 general aggregate for bodily and personal injury and property damage. Additional insurance may be required and will be communicated to the department by Business Services. Exceptions to these requirements are evaluated by Business Services on a case-by-case basis.
Unless otherwise excepted, property owned by the University is covered under a blanket property program that provides coverage at a replacement cost value. On any property loss, the department will be responsible for paying a deductible. Property losses should be reported to Business Services immediately following the incident. Business Services will review and administer property losses and work with the property insurance carrier, as appropriate.
Coverage does not extend to personal property of faculty, staff, or students. Limited exceptions may apply if property is being used at the request of, or to benefit of, the University. The University’s property insurance program also generally covers University-owned property in transit, including but not limited to research equipment, electronics, and UTVs.
The University participates in additional insurance programs through third-party providers and the State of Nebraska to provide additional coverage. Specifics on these policies can be obtained by contacting Business Services.
The University has liability coverage on University vehicles used for business. For department-owned vehicles, there is an option to purchase full physical damage coverage for that vehicle with an extra charge to the department. The physical damage coverage deductible is the responsibility of the applicable department in the case of a claim.
Personal Vehicles
Employees using personal vehicles while conducting University business will have their personal auto insurance coverage as primary coverage, and the University insurance plan may provide secondary coverage (excess over the primary coverage). Generally, in the event of an accident while conducting University business with a personal vehicle, the University’s insurance would cover any deductible under the personal auto insurance, assuming the employee’s actions were not negligent.
Rental Vehicles
Rental vehicles being used for University business and rented in the University’s name are generally covered by the University’s liability insurance. Notwithstanding, as a University-contracted provider, Enterprise provides a full collision damage waiver and liability insurance. When renting a vehicle using Enterprise, Enterprise’s insurance serves as the primary coverage and the University insurance serves as secondary coverage (excess over the primary coverage). Whenever possible, rental vehicles should be obtained pursuant to the University’s contract with Enterprise.
A student health plan is available for students who are enrolled in six or more credit hours in a degree seeking program. Graduate students are eligible if registered for at least one credit hour in a degree seeking program. More information concerning the plans and how to enroll can be found at the Student Health website.
Domestic Travel
Student Travel Insurance is provided by the University for students traveling as a representative of the University and is required for all student travel outside of the city limits of Kearney, Nebraska. This insurance provides additional coverage for students should an accident occur with the student’s personal insurance serving as the primary coverage. A Student Travel Insurance Form must be completed prior to departure in order for coverage to be in place for the students. All completed forms will be submitted to Business Services electronically with no requirement for physical copies.
A student international health plan is required for students traveling abroad. This insurance is paid for by the student and is not included in the tuition or fees related to the Study Abroad or research program. More information concerning the plan can be found at the Study Abroad website.
Student-athletes are required to carry primary health insurance with a deductible of $2,500 or less that will cover both “emergency” and “non-emergency” intercollegiate athletic injuries in the state of Nebraska. Temporary policies are not permitted. Student-athletes will not be allowed to participate in countable athletic-related activities (e.g., practices or contests) until proof of insurance is provided and all other required information has been completed. Student-athletes without primary health insurance will be directed to Student Health or a local insurance company to purchase health insurance. Medicaid/Medicare/Kaiser (and most other HMOs) are not appropriate primary coverage. Student-athletes purchasing their own insurance will have their policies monitored by the University on a regular basis. If the policy is allowed to lapse or discontinue, the student-athlete will not be allowed to participate in countable athletic-related activities until a new policy is put in place.
The University provides secondary health insurance coverage to student-athletes. This policy generally covers medical expenses arising from athletic injuries in excess of any other available accident/health insurance provided that the required policies and procedures have been followed. The University will generally cover expenses after the student-athlete has met all primary health insurance deductibles and co-payments. This coverage will continue six (6) months after the student-athlete’s athletic participation concludes if the student-athlete was previously treated by University Sports Medicine Staff during their athletics program participation.
The University policy has limits and may not pay all charges in full. The University has established a network of physicians and facilities to provide medical services to all student-athletes while they are participating in intercollegiate athletics at the University. All services (e.g., second opinions, physical therapy services, diagnostic testing, etc.) outside of the University physicians’ network must be approved by the University Sports Medicine staff in writing prior to date of service to be considered for payment. Without written approval, all medical charges incurred will be the responsibility of the student-athlete.
The University’s general and automobile liability insurance programs provide coverage for liability claims (including alleged errors, omissions, or neglect) involving students in training, while acting for or on behalf of the University or when rendering services to another as part of his or her teaching or training by the University. Requests for proof of this insurance for external sites can be sent to Business Services through the following link:
Registered Student Organizations and their individual members are not covered by the University’s liability insurance. Additional insurance will need to be obtained by these organizations for events and activities of higher risk conducted by the organization and its members.
Employees subject to the provisions of the Worker’s Compensation Act shall be entitled to coverage in accordance with the Act if they suffer illness or injury arising out of and in the course of their employment. This protection provides payments of all reasonable medical expenses incurred and loss of time from the job to the extent provided by law.
Employees are required to complete the First Report of Occupational Injury or Illness form within 24 hours of the occurrence. This is a legal document which will be filed with the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court. Facilities employees should contact Betsy Warren and all other employees should contact Meredith DeHaven.
The University’s general and automobile liability insurance programs provide coverage for liability claims (including alleged errors, omissions, or neglect) involving employees of the University who are acting within the scope of their employment.
Medical Malpractice
The University provides medical malpractice insurance to certain advanced practice providers at no cost to the employee or department. Business Services must be notified in order to have coverage under this policy. Requests for proof of this insurance can be requested through Business Services as well.
International Travel
The University provides international travel insurance to all full-time employees at no cost to the employee or department. These employees are automatically covered by this policy when they travel outside of the United States on University business. While registration is not required, reviewing the University of Nebraska resources page, the University Welcome Kit, or the FAQs prior to the trip is encouraged.
Contact Information
Workers Compensation Meredith DeHaven – Human Resources 308-865-8516
Professional Liability/Medical Malpractice/International Travel Michael Christen 308-865-8448
The University’s aviation program is provided in partnership with Nebraska Flight School. While insurance is in place for this program with both the University and Nebraska Flight School, additional insurance requirements of students may be required. Students should contact the Aviation Program for additional information.
Drones (Unmanned Aircraft Systems)
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (“drones”) are considered aircraft according to the National Transportation Safety Board and must follow Federal Aviation Administration rules and regulations. With advances in technology, new opportunities continue to arise for the use of drones as a tool for education, marketing, research and outreach. The University provides insurance coverage for the use of drones for University business purposes. In addition, the University has Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/Systems policies and procedures in place to regulate and reduce the risk associated with the use of drones.
All University employees and departments must register their drones with Business Services prior to any use to ensure proper coverage and approval is obtained. Non-employees wanting to fly a drone in, above or in close proximity to University facilities and property must contact Business Services to receive required approval in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration and University rules, regulations, and policies.
The University carries accident insurance for all incidents related to the negligence of the University concerning operations of the Plambeck Early Childhood Education Center. Claims are reviewed and processed by a contracted third-party insurance company. All claims must be reported to Business Services immediately following the incident.